Design and product
approach to software development
This is our mission
Allows us to efficiently organize activities for the interaction of our employees and the Customer
To provide services and produce the result that is necessary for the Customer and the market

Pukhov Alexander Sergeevich
Founder and Head of IT CRON
A few words about the origin and name of the company
The name IT CRON was born for a reason - this is where we laid down our mission. Everything is clear with IT - we work in IT. And CRON is related to the Linux scheduler and this is a reference to the fact that we work like clockwork. We provide services on time and with excellent quality. Our slogan is cron as expected!
The company has more than 100 projects in various industries. You can find the most interesting and best of them in the application or on the website. The total amount of accumulated labor costs for all projects is more than 100,000 hours! We have achieved maximum expertise in the following industries: mobile development, server solutions and web services. It is worth noting that we are a full-cycle company, that is, we can perform a turnkey solution from business analysis to the release and maintenance of your product.
The company has more than 100 projects in various industries. You can find the most interesting and best of them in the application or on the website. The total amount of accumulated labor costs for all projects is more than 100,000 hours! We have achieved maximum expertise in the following industries: mobile development, server solutions and web services. It is worth noting that we are a full-cycle company, that is, we can perform a turnkey solution from business analysis to the release and maintenance of your product.
We partner with forward-thinking clients to transform ideas into real products:

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